Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Diplomacy of Teenagers

This show capped a busy day, packed with museum visits and a hands-on notebook-making workshop in Changzhou’s factory-cum-creative-district, Canal 5 for the Israeli students. This trip marked Ort Yigal Alon’s first to China, as well as a brand-new school partner—Changzhou No. 1 High School—which they were scheduled to visit the following day.

Cecilia Wu & the Ever-changing Face of Changzhou Free Stitch Embroidery

Since opening Show House in 2014, Cecilia Wu has been on a mission to bring the high art of Changzhou Free Stitch embroidery into the daily lives of ordinary people. 自2014年Show House开业以来,吴澄一直希望将曲高和寡的常州乱针绣带入寻常百姓人家。

Expats’ Changzhou explorations | 外国人的“发现常州”

How does an expat become an “instant online celebrity” in Changzhou? Good looks? Exotic style? Fluent Chinese? Well, in our fair city these are not enough. Discovering interesting and timely news, tracking down historical narratives, describing places even local people have never heard of, and continuously updating and sharing this information with others: a combination of all these elements may work. 外国人在常州当“网红”?光靠颜值、异域风情、讲中文已不能溅起水花。城市里的新鲜热辣或犄角旮旯,那些本地人都不一定深入了解的,他们来给你做推荐,那才叫人惊叹
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