Sunday, February 23, 2025

GuoLin and LiuQing Bamboo Carving

GuoLin came to Changzhou in 2006, and it was the first time she became acquainted with LiuQing Bamboo Carving, she just fell in love with this traditional art. 自从06年来到常州,第一次接触到留青竹刻,郭琳就不可自拔地爱上了这项传统艺术。

How much do you know about Spring Festival?

Among all of China’s traditional festivals, Spring Festival (春节 Chun Jie) – also known as Chinese New Year – the most well-known one for foreigners. Other than the crazy fireworks, how much do you know about this holiday? To many Chinese people, it’s much more than a festival. 春节相对于其他传统节日来说应该是最被外国人所耳熟能详的节日了,不过除了疯狂的鞭炮?你对中国春节有多少的了解了?

Expats’ Changzhou explorations | 外国人的“发现常州”

How does an expat become an “instant online celebrity” in Changzhou? Good looks? Exotic style? Fluent Chinese? Well, in our fair city these are not enough. Discovering interesting and timely news, tracking down historical narratives, describing places even local people have never heard of, and continuously updating and sharing this information with others: a combination of all these elements may work. 外国人在常州当“网红”?光靠颜值、异域风情、讲中文已不能溅起水花。城市里的新鲜热辣或犄角旮旯,那些本地人都不一定深入了解的,他们来给你做推荐,那才叫人惊叹
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