Thursday, April 25, 2024

Jian Su Hot Yoga | 见素暖瑜伽

The first class I took at JianSu Hot Yoga in Xinbei, I swear, almost killed me. 初次体验见素/暖瑜伽的时候,不夸张,真的差点要了我半条命。

Changzhou’s getting a new map and it’s going to be awesome!

Changzhou's getting a new English language map, and SupCZ is looking for input as to what you'd like to see on it.

English-language Movies | Jan~Feb

English-language movies are frequently shown in movie theaters around Changzhou. This is Sup's monthly column to help you find these films and locations. 现在全球英语原片都可以在常州的各大影院观赏了,为了让你更容易获取到你想观看的电影的讯息,sup每个月会推出当月的电影资讯,记得关注咯
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